So at this time every year, we start to lose all hope of ever seeing another seabreeze, the wetsuit comes back out of the cupboard and doesn't smell any better for it, and the forecast starts to show things with the word west in it.
Winter sessions are by no means as good as summer, nothing beats smooth wind and warm water, but that doesnt mean theres nothing left for us kiters between april and september. We talked to our staff and team riders and came up with the best three solutions to staying out on the water this winter.
1. Run away
I mean why not right? Just pack up your bags and head off to any one of the great kitesurfing destinations the world has to offer.
We have run 2 x 1 week holidays to Sri Lanka for the last two years and its been an amazing trip each time. We still have one or two vacancies for both weeks so if you're interested in coming along send us an email, read more about the holidays here.
There are many magical kitesurfing escapes this winter to suit your timetable and budget, from Tonga and the pacific Islands to Europe and Tarifa there's definately somewhere you can get some epic kiting in.

If you've got some leave and a patient wife (make that very patient) why not grab yourself a travel bag and head off overseas. Trust me, the next two options aren't quite as exciting.
2. Learn to ride a surfboard
Winter winds are often gustier and less consistent that those in summer, so its a perfect time to learn how to ride a surfboard. With the extra volume and length under your feet you'll get a bit more low end out of your kites which helps you get through the lulls.
Firewire have just released their brand new Helium technology and we have stock in the Evo and Vanguard for what will be only a very short time whilst stock lasts.
3. Get out to the cable park
The cable park out at Penrith is a great way to get out on the board this winter. The winter pass runs from May to September and is just $99 for unlimited riding, and the best bit? The queues are way shorter in winter!

Learning to ride at the cable will improve your board skills drastically, from learning to ride toeside properly and confidently to doing handlepasses off the kicker!
If you're thinking about looking into getting your own crossover board we have a range of Kiteboards that you can also ride at the cable. Options like the Slingshot Refraction and Axis Billy are great boards if you're looking to really get into the cable. For those just getting into boots we have the Tona board range on special right now!
Hopefully some of these tricks will keep you fit and out on the water this winter and we will see you back out at Dolls point next september!